Embark on Your Journey with Trezor.io/start - Trezor.io/start -us

Try out new Trezor Suite features a week before official https://trezor.io release when you sign up for the Early Access Program in Application Settings! Since August, we have …

Embark on Your Journey with Trezor.io/start - Trezor.io/start-us

  1. Using the Recovery Seed: In the unfortunate event of losing your Trezor device, you can use the recovery seed to restore your wallet and access your funds. Follow the recovery instructions provided by Trezor Wallet.


Trezor.io/start is your gateway to enhanced cryptocurrency security and management. By following the steps outlined in this comprehensive guide, you can confidently set up and utilize your Trezor Wallet, knowing that your digital assets are well-protected. Remember to prioritize security by keeping your recovery seed offline and your Trezor device disconnected when not in use. With Trezor.io/start, you're on your way to navigating the world of cryptocurrencies with peace of mind and ease.

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